Nanotechnology In Sustainable Agriculture: Review And Challenges


  • Dr. Shakuli Saxen


In recent years, intensifying conventional agricultural practices act as an immediate method for growing global meals supply, however immoderate use of agrochemicals reason pollutants. Imbalanced nutrient control and decreased soil natural count are the primary factors liable for yield decline. Nanotechnology is an innovative generation and has wide range of capacity environmental and engineering programs like in agricultural systems, biomedicine, water resources, energy conversion and several other areas. Advancement in materials science extended exponentially within the last decade and arriving in our days at a big sort of Nanomaterial, which can deliver new environment technologies, because of their immensely powerful capability. This article reviewed the ability makes use of Nanomaterial in sustainable agriculture with precise reference to soil remediation and environmental cleaning. The nanotechnology industry has the potential, with new Nanotoils to control rapid diagnosis of anilments as well as increase plant-life capacity for taking nutrients, amongst many other things, to improve farming and food companies. Specific programmes such as nanofertilizers as well as nanopesticides to trail goods as well as vitamin increase productivity without decontaminated soils, water and protection against various pests and microbial disease are important to the use of nanotechnology in farming..




How to Cite

Dr. Shakuli Saxen. (2021). Nanotechnology In Sustainable Agriculture: Review And Challenges. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(2), 4096 -4101. Retrieved from


