Techniques of Getting Proficiency for Cracking off Interview


  • Shakuntala Yadav, Dr. Rakesh Gupta, Dr. Pragya Mishra


It has often been discerned that for getting recruited in any organization or company, the candidate has to go through certain questions which grades him/her for the capability he/she owns. Some graduates from engineering and technology are not having the same quality of education compared to others from countries which are advanced (Dhruba Borah et al., 2019), hencewith the help of interview process the interviewer scrutinizes the interviewee’s knowledge. In today’s era getting job for the person totally depends on how the latter performed in interview. Many a times, it has been seen that although the jobseeker has the knowledge but couldn’t show the same during interview which marks bad impact and he fails to get a good job. This paper is going to give certain tips and techniques to face an interview, so that the jobseeker is often confident and ready for facing any sort of interview they come across with. The paper also discussed some basic questions asked in interview and also suggested the expected answers for the same. According to sir Kim-Daniel Vattoy, (2020)for expressing any view, the person must be efficient enough with good command on communication, hence the communication should also be taken in good accordance.




How to Cite

Shakuntala Yadav, Dr. Rakesh Gupta, Dr. Pragya Mishra. (2021). Techniques of Getting Proficiency for Cracking off Interview. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(2), 4441 - 4448. Retrieved from


